Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bob Woodruff Park - Plano, TX

This was my first time shooting at Bob Woodruff Park in Plano...and I think I'll definitely be going back. The open fields and fall colors made it the perfect spot for a fall session. Not to mention this cute guy who came ready to smile...and sporting a Batman shirt! Doesn't get much better than that. It was such a joy to photograph this family once again. Hope y'all enjoy!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Shops at Legacy - Plano, TX

When I initially met this mom and family, she told me her sweet son "Gives grins away like candy." She couldn't have been more right. What a sweet sweet child and a beautiful family. We enjoyed taking photos at the Shops at Legacy in Plano. To say this little guy loved the water and the fountains would be an understatement. Hope y'all enjoy!